Dave-K0AVN, Gary-W0MNA, Vic-KE0SYO, Randy-KF0AWW, and Rick-NJ0P met on Saturday morning, December 5th to move the 145.33 FM repeater from David Funeral Chapel to Saint John Hospital (SJH). That repeater is now on the air at SJH with the following parameters:
Frequencies: 145.33/144.73
Tone: 151.4 Hz
Power: 25 Watts
Antenna: 5-element loop antenna, tower-mounted
Priority: Shared/secondary transmitter with UHF Rptr
Mode: FM or C4FM DN or VW in. FM-only out.
We still have testing and enhancements yet to do, but for now the 40-year old 145.33 repeater has been given a new lease on life. We have a 1 sec squelch tail on the VHF side so you can check signal strength.
The UHF repeater received a new transmitter antenna. Gone is the old dual-bander home station antenna. New is the Hustler G6 one-piece heavy-duty single-band UHF repeater antenna. Early indications are that the transmit signal is the best yet.