Robert “Mac” McConnell, WØROO, would always sign off from “Lake Jarbalo”. There is a Jarbalo, Kansas; a postage stamp size town near the bottoms of the frequently flooded Stranger Creek. When the creek is high, it literally looks like a lake in some places. Mac had a friendly voice, was a fun-loving radio operator, and great mentor.
In his honor, we are carrying on the Jarbalo Amateur Radio Association (JARA) and keeping the UHF Repeater operating that long bore his callsign.
The Association has two Yaesu System Fusion repeaters, one on UHF at 444.800 (+) YSF TØØ RØØ and one on VHF at 145.330 (-) 151.4 Hz.
The Association is a group of Radio Amateurs with interest in providing repeater service in the Leavenworth area of northeastern Kansas. There are no dues or fees. To maintain membership, simply check into a Sunday evening JARA net at least once a year. The net can be reached via RF, on Wires-X via the JARA Room (46775), or via Pi-Star (YSF51030).
JARA meets once a year for the Annual Meeting at 1800 hours local at the Field Day site for Pilot Knob Amateur Radio Club.
Architecture – How we’re wired.
Saint John Hospital – About or fabulous host.
Served Area – Our coverage area.