VHF Repeater performance issues are related to unknown causes at this time. The repeater is running 50 watts (barefoot). The amplifier was pulled out on 1/24/25 for testing and will hopefully return to service shortly. The amplifier adds 3 dB to the output for a total of 100 watts before the duplexer and line loss. The transmit antenna is on the west side of the upper parapet on a 10′ mast. Lines were tested. Both transmit and receive tests show no issues with the lines or antennas. The VHF repeater uses the same antenna as the UHF repeater. The UHF Repeater performance is 100% so no issues such as a lightning strike impacting the receive antenna is suspected. The Echolink node is currently at the home of Randy-KØAWW. He recently updated his computer and what little delay we might have had is now no longer apparent. His antenna is a home-brew J-Pole about 8′ off the ground to the top stapled to a deck support.
UHF Repeater is running 50 watts (barefoot). It is operating at nominal levels and no issues reported at this time. Over the past few weeks, we’ve experienced some Pi-Star drop-outs but this is intermittent and a consistent pattern of drop-outs has not been established. Will continue to monitor. The Pi-Star node is at the home of Keith-KFØKBC. The Wires-X node is operating at nominal levels. The Wires-node is at the home of Rick-NJØP.